Brave the Shave: Pansy’s Peeps event
Every year Dr. Tim Pansegrau puts together a team of friends, collogues, and community members to help raise money for Brave the Shave to honor those that are going thru cancer.
Along with committing to shave their heads for this fundraiser, Tims team is known for having a little extra fun in the week leading up to the big shave. They color their hair wild colors and shave their hair into crazy designs to further raise awareness about Brave the shave and Cancer research. They sure do turn a lot of heads and spark a lot of conversations during this week of craziness! It’s not every day you see a doctor walking around the hospital with a blue lizard shaved into his hair!
This is our 8th year participating in this awesome charity event! Its so rewarding to be a part of Tim’s team in this capacity. We look forward to what designs and colors they are going to want each year and we love being able to donate our time to do this for such a meaningful cause.
His goal this year was to raise $60,000 to help fund cancer research. Here is the link to his teams site if you are wanting to help them reach their goal: Pansy's Peeps!
KFYR was there filming all the fun, here is a link to the video: KFYR featuring Pansy's Peeps
This group, amongst many others fundraisers, will be shaving their head at the YMCA in Bismarck on April 22nd.